You need spend no more than an hour touring the center of Port Antonio -- there's not that much to see. Another hour can be spent visiting the markets. After that, it's either back to your resort to lie on the beach or, if you're adventurous, you can drive along the coast or dip into the hinterlands south of Port Antonio.

A major improvement to the infrastructure of Port Antonio, the Errol Flynn Marina (tel. 876/715-6044; opened in stages beginning in 2003. It takes the form of a fenced-in compound dotted with shops, gazebos, and waterfront diversions specifically built with cruise ship passengers in mind. There is dock and wharf space for small and medium-size cruise ships, berths for up to 32 private yachts, a restaurant (Norma's at the Marina), a scattering of lawns and ornamental gazebos, an outdoor swimming pool reserved for use by yacht owners and cruise ship passengers, and a very limited handful of boutiques. Completed in 2005 at an overall cost of US$50 million, its aim is to increase the visibility of Port Antonio as a colorful option for cruise ship stopovers.

Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.