The great empress, Maria Theresa, would scoff at the idea of tackling her beloved city in just 1 day -- or even 3 days. But what did she know, really?

If that is all the time you have, we want to help you make the most of it by providing ready-made itineraries that allow you to have a complete, unforgettable trip.

Part of the joy of visiting any great city of Europe is your own discoveries -- darting down that little cobblestone lane to some antique curio shop or dropping in for a pint of beer at a local Viennese tavern.

We would be less than honest if we didn't admit that the discovery of Vienna in just a few days is a formidable challenge. The city is like a grande dame, who won't reveal all her treasures to you easily.

To fortify yourself for the day, we'd recommend an old-fashioned Viennese breakfast, often a generous buffet at your hotel. Naturally, you will want to sample some renown Viennese pastries. The morning meal might be so filling that you won't need to take up a lot of precious time having a long, drawn-out lunch. Save that for the evening when many of the major attractions of Vienna are closed.

Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.